An RTI is every citizen's right to Information

by:Sycda     2020-09-05

1. The scale as per 6th Pay commission

2. DA (Dearness Allowance)

3. Maternity leave

In despair, Mr. Natarajan consulted a lawyer friend of his who suggested he wrote out an RTI (Right to Information) addressed to the Directorate of Education. Mr. Natarajan had to learn how to write an RTI and thought it best to publish it on the Internet for people who might need it at anytime. Begin the request for the RTI with your name, address, contact telephone number and your email ID.

Address it to the central Government Public Information officer (PIO's). You could also address it to the Public Information Officer C/o Head of Department with the requisite application fee if you don't know the name or address of the PIO. The amount of fees and the mode of payment vary from cash to an IPO (Indian postal order, we better knows as the Money order) so ensure you know how much to pay for the service you require.

Attach the deposit receipt obtained on paying the fee at the nearest SBI with your RTI application. Your application should be written out or typed on a blank white sheet of paper. You can ask any number of questions in point form after introducing the PIO to the specific problem you face in a short paragraph giving relevant references preferably restricting the word count to 150 words. You can ask for the cause behind a particular' administrative' or a 'quasi-judicial' decision under Section 4(1)(d), but refrain from asking whys and wherefores without doing a basic research on the problem you face.

But I would also like to know in what form I will get my answer? Will it be a letter from the PIO? And do I have the right to question again on the basis of the answer? Also from where will I know how much a service is worth or the fee to be attached?

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