What color (size, type, specification) is available for verifone thermal paper in Sycda?
Generally, Sycda Company Limited provides thermal paper with specified dimensions, sizes, and shapes. You can find the details on the "product specifications" listed on the product page, or also contact us directly which proves to be the fastest way. Sometimes, considering the product performance and the chemical or physical reactions caused by the combination of raw materials, the internal structure design of the product is hard to change but the external appearance can vary based on different needs of customers. Usually, we keep our existing products in stock and can deliver them to customers as soon as possible.
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Sycda is a major roll core supplier and deeply relied by customers. The self adhesive labels is one of the main products of Sycda. The product is eco-friendly. It has been tested and passed the GB/T 1885-2002 Technical Requirements of Ecological Textile. The product provides distinct competitive advantages.
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Sycda's commitment is to provide the best customer service in the industry. Please contact.

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