Pre-printed thermal paper roll

The modern day applications of the thermal roll

by:Sycda     2020-08-30

Thermal roll labels are more reliable and user friendly as they usually have a protective coating around them, thus preserving important data for a long time. Today, these labels are commonly preferred over ordinary labels, as problems with regards to printing by thermal printers do not occur with these.

The basis of a thermal roll label is the thermal paper itself. The paper used is essentially of two types- direct thermal paper and thermal transfer paper. Both these papers can be identified because of the technology involved in producing them. The dye used in the printing of the direct thermal paper rolls gives a traditionally black color when exposed to heat and due to advancement in modern technology; the thermal paper can also print different colors today.

While using the method of the direct thermal paper, a color change is witnessed during the process of heating up of certain parts of the paper. This direct thermal paper is coated with wax and resin on one side in a manner in which the characters are visibly seen, on heating. On the other hand, thermal transfer paper needs a ribbon and heat to transfer ink on it for the production of characters.

Thermal roll labels are easily accessible from nearby stationary stores, and even from the Internet. However, you will need to be precautious about its quality and the authenticity of the supplier.

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